Edibles: How to Take Them and Make the Most out of Your High.

How do edibles work?

When you partake in vaping or smoking cannabis, the effects become apparent almost instantly. However, the situation becomes significantly more intricate when it comes to consuming edibles. The body requires a considerable amount of time to undergo the processes of metabolizing and integrating the cannabinoid compounds. Depending on factors like one's metabolic rate, body weight, and various other variables, it may take more than an hour before the effects of edibles start to emerge.

In the scenario of smoking marijuana, it delivers the psychoactive THC, which is rapidly activated by the heat you've applied, along with other cannabinoids that don't induce intoxication, directly into your bloodstream and brain.

How THC is absorbed into your body through edibles:

When an edible embarks on its journey through your esophagus, it finds its way into your stomach. There, it undergoes a digestion process facilitated by stomach acids and enzymes, breaking it down into its fundamental components, among which is THC.

In particular, THC takes a unique route, being absorbed through the stomach lining and then transported to the liver. Within the confines of the liver, THC undergoes a transformation, becoming 11-Hydroxy-THC. This compound acts as an enhanced version of THC, with greater potency and an improved ability to traverse the formidable blood-brain barrier when compared to inhalation.

A useful tip: Edibles typically metabolize more slowly, but they can also result in a more potent high.

How much of an edible should I eat?

Exercising patience isn't just a commendable trait, but it's also a fundamental approach when it comes to indulging in edibles. Whether you're new to various cannabis consumption methods or simply unfamiliar with edibles, it's prudent to commence your journey with the tiniest feasible dose. Think about starting by halving a piece to initiate your edible exploration, preserving the remainder for a future occasion (rest assured that its quality will be maintained).

By most people's standards, 2mg of THC is considered a "low" or "micro-dose," while 5mg of THC serves as the standard dosage benchmark. For those well-versed in the world of edibles, beginning with 10mg is a robust starting point, promising profound relaxation effects.

If your goal is to enjoy an edible experience without experiencing a high, contemplate opting for an edible that boasts a high CBD content while containing minimal THC.

Edible F.A.Q.

Should I eat other foods before eating an edible?

Whether you've had a meal or not can significantly impact the speed at which THC is absorbed and the intensity of its effects. As a safety measure, it's recommended to have a light snack before embarking on your edible experience. Additionally, it's a wise practice to have some non-THC snacks readily available after consuming edibles, primarily because it can be challenging to satisfy your hunger with only a single gummy or brownie.

What if I’ve have never smoked before and want to try edibles?

If you're new to the realm of THC, there's no need to completely avoid edibles. In fact, many people find edibles preferable to smoking or vaping. Nevertheless, it's vital to commence your edible journey with the smallest available THC dose – for example, consider starting with a mere 2 mg by breaking your brownie bite or gummy into a smaller portion. Patience is a crucial aspect during this stage, as you may need to wait up to two hours for the effects to become noticeable.

While waiting for the effects, it's advisable to stay well-hydrated, enjoy some snacks, and maintain a relaxed disposition. Always heed the signals your body is sending. Additionally, even if you have prior experience with smoking and vaping, it's important to anticipate distinct effects from edibles – they operate at a slower pace but deliver a more potent impact.

What if I accidentally take too much of an edible?

This is a scenario that can happen to anyone, and it may not be the most enjoyable experience. However, in the future, you'll likely remember the significance of proceeding with caution and moderation. (We want to emphasize: You can always consume more, but you can't consume less.) We strongly advocate for preparedness, and at times, being overly prepared can prove beneficial. So, consider memorizing these steps in case you ever find yourself in a situation where you've consumed too much:

  • Embrace this mantra: "This too shall pass." Stay well-hydrated, relax, and, under all circumstances, refrain from driving. The effects will gradually subside; it just takes some time.

  • If it's available, think about trying pure CBD. Make sure that your source of CBD contains no THC, and start with a small dose. CBD is well-known for its capacity to mitigate the effects of THC and can help alleviate that somewhat "overwhelming" sensation.

  • Stay hydrated with cold water. Continuously sip on chilled water for at least 10 minutes to mellow out your high and combat dry mouth, a common side effect of THC. You can further ease any discomfort by including ground black pepper, lemon zest, shredded ginger, and mint leaves, which can help soothe your stomach and reduce the psychoactive effects.

  • Relax and enjoy some Netflix. Depending on how high you are and your personal disposition, this may be easier said than done. Nevertheless, remember that this phase will pass, and you can divert your attention by finding a comfortable position and engaging in a passive activity.

  • Consider getting some rest. Rehydrate and snugly settle into bed. When you wake up, you'll feel refreshed, and any lingering grogginess or "off" sensation will quickly dissipate. It's a far cry from an alcohol-induced hangover.

Enjoy edibles responsibly.

Congratulations! You've reached the end of this guide, and you're now ready to savor brownie bites, sour gummies, chocolate squares, and more.

The evolution of edible products has seen substantial advancements, not only in terms of flavor but also in packaging and formulation, making them a convenient addition to your lifestyle, whether as an alternative to or in tandem with smoking or vaping. Although they may take longer to digest, they can also deliver more potent and longer-lasting effects once the THC has entered your bloodstream.

It's crucial to recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all dosage for edibles, as each person's body processes THC differently. Hence, it's important to carefully review the dosage instructions and adhere to the "start low and go slow" approach. Commence with the smallest THC dose that your body is accustomed to processing through ingestion, and consider increasing it if you don't achieve the desired effects within two hours. While it might not be the quickest method, it can prove to be one of the most gratifying and effective approaches.

Edibles available at Green Dragon Florida Dispensaries:

Sativa and Indica Fruit Chews!

We currently offer an array of fruit chew flavors that come in Sativa and Indica strains.

Peach Chews: Indica & Sativa

Raspberry Chews: Indica & Sativa

Strawberry Chews: Sativa

Watermelon Chews: Sativa

Shop here.


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