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FL Medical Marijuana Card FAQs

We’re here to help answer some common questions you may have about your Medical Marijuana Card in Florida:

How do I get a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida?

The first thing you’re going to need to do is figure out if you qualify for a medical marijuana card and how you need to approach going through the process to secure one.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you continue through the process:

  • What are the qualifying medical conditions?

  • Can my physician help me get one?

  • How do I get onto the Florida medical marijuana registry?

No worries if you don’t know the answers, we’re here to answer all of them for you!

What Qualifies me for a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida?

There is a list of specific qualifying illnesses that allow you to get a medical marijuana card.

The following medical conditions are:

1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS
2. Cancer
3. Crohn's disease
4. Chronic muscle spasms
5. Epilepsy or Seizures
6. Glaucoma
8. Multiple sclerosis
9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD
10. Parkinson's disease

While this list of qualifying conditions is short and specific, there are three additions on the list that do not apply to specific medical conditions seen above.

Florida also allows you to get a medical card if:

1. Your medical conditions are comparable or identical to others on the list.

2. You have a terminal condition diagnosed by a physician. This physician cannot be the one issuing the certification.

3. Chronic malignant pain that comes from a qualifying condition, whether the condition is usual or exceeds it.

Can I Get Medical Marijuana for Anxiety?

Generalized anxiety disorder is not one of the qualifying disorders. This may seem unfortunate, but due to anxiety coming with its own physical symptoms, all hope is not lost. If your anxiety condition causes you to have seizures or any sort of chronic pain, you may still be able to qualify for a medical marijuana card.

Where Do I Apply for a Florida Medical Marijuana Card?

Once your diagnosis from one of the qualifying conditions has been approved by your physician, you then need to register with the state of Florida. You can register by filling out an application with the needed information provided by your physician. Your application can then be completed by hand and mailed, or submitted online.

How Much Does a Medical Cannabis Card Cost in Florida?

Great question!

The application fee for applying for your medical marijuana card costs $75. Once you’ve received your card, you will make $75 payments on an annual basis to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use, aka the OMMU.

You must also pay for the office visit when you visit your qualified physician. Costs can vary from clinic to clinic, so ensure to do your research prior to making an appointment. 

Do I Have to Be a Florida Resident to Get my Medical Marijuana Card in the State of Florida?

YES. You have to be a resident in the state of Florida to get your medical marijuana card. That being said, you have to either be a resident of the state OR a seasonal resident that proves you’ve lived in Florida for at least 30 days. If you are unable to meet these requirements, you will be unable to apply for your Florida Medical Marijuana Card.

What Does the Medical Marijuana Card Registration Process Require?

Prior to registration, you will need:

  • Proof of residency: A driver’s license, state ID card, or a paper document.

  • A photo of yourself.

  • A credit card to process your application fee.

How Long Does the Approval Process Take?

While it used to take several weeks for the OMMU to approve your application, you can now get approval on the same day as your visit, typically within an hour or so!

How Do I Know If I’m Approved?

Once you’ve submitted your application, you should check your email. The approval email will be sent by the Florida Medical Marijuana Registry, aka the MMUR. Once you’ve received the email, you can visit any Green Dragon Florida Dispensary with your state-issued ID. 

After I Receive My Card, Can I Buy Any Cannabis Product I Want?

Not necessarily. In Florida, the medical cannabis process operates with open orders, meaning it functions as prescriptions filled on demand.

Your qualified physician will certify you for the various types of cannabis and the number of milligrams you’re eligible for per order. The Florida program includes:

1. Smoking marijuana
2. Edibles, in medical marijuana and/or low-THC
3. Inhalation, in medical marijuana and/or low-THC
4. Oral, in medical marijuana and/or low-THC
5. Sublingual, in medical marijuana and/or low-THC
6. Topical, in medical marijuana and/or low-THC

These orders are valid for 70 days, aside from smokeable flower, which is valid for 35 days.